Whats a Knock Me Chat?
- Get your Knoc ID instantly by starting Knock Me Chat app without login
- Example: knoc.me/1234567
- Visitors enter your unique link into the browser on their phone to start a quick chat...
Where to display your Knoc ID?
- Just display this on your front door, on the dashboard, or anywhere visitors can physically see
- When you are not home, visitors enter the knoc.me on your front door to contact you
- Display your knoc.me some where on your car, in case others need to contact you while you are away
- Not comfortable giving out your personal contact, just use knoc.me
- Visitors just have to enter the knoc.me on their phone to start communicating with you
- No more account creation, no more login
- Remember you can always change your Knoc to preserve your privacy
- Obtain a NEW Knoc ID to start over (all messages will be erased)
- Delete all messages in a chat
- Delete all chat history (everything)
- Block chat to prevent objectionable contents from showing up